I am creating my app in android studio and I am using an image, if no past order present. I have imported images by New Image Assets
method and Android Studio
automatically loads them in various mipmaps folder according to size, but when I use those images in my ImageView
they are shown very small and after increasing their size, they are not appearing clear, is there any way to solve this issue.
If you create "New Image Asset", make sure to select proper icon type (launcher/notification/appbar).
Android Studio automatically loads them in various mipmaps folder according to size
Image that you import into the project should be in drawable
directory, not in the mipmap
. Mipmap directory stores different versions of your app's launcher icons.
Also, make sure that your source image is at least big enough to fit drawable-xxhdpi size.
EDIT: If you want to use your image as a background, create drawable-nodpi resourse directory (Right click on your res directory) and place full size image in drawable-nodpi.
Answered By - Ivan V
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